Scooter | Opening / closing, removing the battery

Document information

Document level:Level 0
Scooter models:All FUTURE / GHOST / TAC / DPC-T models
Document date:April 2, 2020

Procedure information

Time to complete this procedure:
1 min opening / 1 min closing
Tools needed to complete this procedure:

– Seacraft service key

Step-by-step instructions

Opening the scooter

Make sure, the scooter is switched off, then place it on the nozzle. Be sure not to pinch any part of the harness with the nozzle.

The beginning of the following video explains how to open the scooter. Battery removal can be seen in it’s 2nd part;

Direct video link:

Opening the scooter and lifting up the hull is much easier, if there is a carrying handle installed.

Especially with older/ not greased o-rings, you might need to “wiggle” the hull in all directions and at the same time pull it upwards.

Closing the scooter

Make sure that the o-rings on the drive unit are clean and slightly lubricated with Seacraft o-ring grease.

Thoroughly clean the o-ring contact surface inside the scooter’s tube and apply a thin film of Seacraft o-ring grease.

Position the hull above the scooter and slowly move it downwards. Make sure, the hull is correctly aligned with the drive unit (observe the carrying handle position, and side logo).

Slightly push the hull onto the o-rings, but make sure not to squeeze any of them. The hull must be well fitted with the drive unit. (no visible gap)

Take the hull plug, and make sure, it is clean and the o-ring is slightly lubricated with Seacraft o-ring grease.

Screw the hull plug in (hand-tight only).

See the instructional video:

Direct video link:

In case of questions or problems,
do not hesitate to contact us:

Updated on 2025-02-12

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