Display | Replacing the cover

Document information

Document level:Level 0
Scooter models:All FUTURE / GHOST models
Document date:April 2, 2020

Procedure information

Time to complete this procedure:
5 min
Tools needed to complete this procedure:

– Cotton swap
– New display foil
– 2 new rubber buttons
– Place free from dust and air movement

Step-by-step instructions


The display protection foil and the rubber buttons can be easily exchanged.

Removing the display foil and the rubber buttons

Before starting, it is recommended to evaluate the polycarbonate panel for damages. Take care especially for edges/ screws surrounding areas. In case of detected damages- consider replacing the whole front polycarbonate panel.

Remove rubber buttons. Do not use any sharp object (knife etc.), just your fingernails.

Removing the rubber buttons

Remove old (broken) cover foil. Start with any corner:

Removing the display foil

Cleaning the display

Remove glue remains by means of a cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol
(Kontakt IPA etc.).

Removing glue remains

Wipe the whole display surface with a soft cloth or a special towel.
The surface must be clean and dry, before the next step. No dust or fibers allowed!

This should be done in a clean room, without dust, and air movement. One of the possible methods to eliminate dust particles from air, is boiling the water in vicinity of work area. 2-3 min afterwards, when air movement stops- it should be cleaned from surrounding dust particles.

Wiping the display surface

Placing the new foil and rubber buttons

Bend down a small part of the new display foil as illustrated below.
Do not touch the bottom surface of the foil with your fingers.

Preparing the display foil

Make sure the display glass is still clean and dry.
Place a part of the foil on the top part of the display glass as illustrated below:



Placing the display foil

Move down, and press the foil to the glass with your fingers:

Pressing the foil to the display

Should some air bubbles remain, remove it by moving you finger over it, pushing it to the nearest edge:

Removing air bubbles

Remove a new rubber button from the carrier foil, and press it to the right spot on the display. Then, repeat this step for the second button.

Removing a rubber button from the carrier foil
Placing a rubber button

In case of questions or problems,
do not hesitate to contact us: service@seacraft.eu.

Updated on 2025-02-12

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