Scooter | Propeller replacement

Document information

Document level:Level 0
Scooter models:All FUTURE / GHOST models
Document date:May 5, 2022
Time to complete this procedure:
5 min
Tools needed to complete this procedure:
-Spare propeller
-Allen key 2,5mm

Step-by-step instructions


Propeller exchange is rarely needed, and it is difficult to break it completely. Sometimes, after meeting obstacles/rocks, dents can be found. In such an event – usually cutting bent material from the propeller attacking angle with a sharp knife is sufficient.

However, in case of excessive damage, its replacement may be required.

Seacraft drive units are individually balanced in the factory. (similar process as with the car wheels). Due to that, the most recommended is contacting an authorized service point, as while the exchange itself is fairly simple – the best unit operation can be achieved after careful propeller balancing.

Never switch propellers (propeller with a rotor and axis) between DPVs. They are individually paired, and putting a part with another size may lead to driving system damage.

Propeller disassembly/ assembly

In order to see the propeller assembly/ disassembly process, see the instructional video:

Direct video link:

In case of questions or problems,
do not hesitate to contact us:

Updated on 2025-02-12

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